Internal Memo:- NOUN TMA Report For 2019_2 Semester
National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) TMA

National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) 2019_2 TMA REPORT
The NOUN University Examination Committee (UEC), at its Emergency Meeting held on Friday, 13th September, 2019 considered the report of courses with the under-listed TMAs issues for the 2019_2 semester as follows:
i. 76 courses are without TMA questions
ii. 32 courses with TMA1 questions uploaded wrongly
iii. 24 courses with TMA2 questions uploaded wrongly
iv. 20 courses with TMA3 questions uploaded wrongly
After extensive deliberations, the meeting agreed that for the affected courses without TMA(s), Senate approved standard formula be applied.
Above decision is for your information and due noting. Kindly disseminate this information on your Notice Boards for the attention of the students.
Thank. you.
Oladipo A. A Deputy Registrar, Academic Registry

Message received with much thanks.
We are still finding it difficult to submit the tma. the management should please resolve the network issue or extend the date
pls. Sir, i am 300 level student i want to ask question on this course, here is the code INR393 this course has no TMA haw can i do with it during the exam. and is not a GST course at the same time no TMA 1&2. And the Exam is around the corner thank i hope to here from you soon thank you.
Good day,
I humbly write to know
the approved formula or how it’s been applied. Thanks
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