NOUN Virtual Exams: List Of Unexaminable Courses

The Directorate of Examinations and Assessments (DEA) of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has released the list of unexaminable courses for the ongoing 2020_1 semester virtual examination for Undergraduate students.
Please note that the following Courses are not available for the on-going Virtual Examination
Course Code | Course Title |
INR142 | Introduction to Public Administrati |
MAC214 | Investigative & Interpretative Repo |
MAC221 | Editing & Graphics of Communication |
MAC223 | Magazine & Feature Article Writing |
MAC225 | News Writing & Reporting |
MAC232 | Environmental Public Relations |
MAC242 | Foundations of Broadcasting |
MAC246 | Educational Broadcasting |
POL111 | Elements of Political Science |
POL124 | Organisation of Government |
POL212 | Basic Statistics For Social Science |
POL214 | Introduction to Political Analysis |
POL215 | History of Political Thought I |
POL216 | Evolution of Nigerian Local Governm |
POL221 | Nigerian Government and Politics |
POL223 | Foundation of Political Economy |
POL226 | Organization and Administrative The |
POL228 | Introduction to Comparative Politic |
POL231 | Essentials of International Relatio |
INR232 | Introduction to Foreign Policy |
CSS462 | Criminolgy II |
INR332 | War and Peace In West Africa Since |
CSS461 | Criminolgy I |
INR361 | Religion Ethnicity and Nationalism |
S/N | Course Code | Course Title |
1 | ECE120 | Development of Appropriate Skills I |
2 | ECE121 | Child Development |
3 | ECE123 | Health Care In The Early Years |
4 | ECE221 | Language and Literacy In The Early |
5 | ECE222 | Developing Professional Skills and |
6 | ECE223 | Plays and Learning |
7 | ECE225 | Meeting Special Needs In E.c.e |
8 | ECE227 | Organization and Service Provision |
9 | ECE230 | Introduction to Early Childhood Edu |
10 | ECE231 | Science In The Early Years |
11 | EDU114 | History of Education In Nigeria |
12 | EDU231 | Curriculum Development Theory and P |
13 | EDU233 | General Teaching Methods |
14 | EDU250 | Subject Methos I (biology) |
15 | EDU258 | Computer Science Methods |
16 | EDU280 | Agricultural Science Methods |
17 | PED122 | Primary English Curriculum and Meth |
18 | PED130 | Introduction to Social Studies |
19 | PED144 | Primary Mathematics Curriculum Meth |
20 | PED150 | Primary Science Curriculum and Meth |
21 | PED221 | Developmental Psychology |
22 | PED230 | Introduction to Music In Primary Sc |
23 | PED233 | Religious and Moral Education |
24 | PED234 | Man Energy and Resources |
25 | PED235 | Clothing and Textiles |
26 | PED236 | Elementary Mathematics |
27 | PED237 | Measurement and Shapes |
28 | PED261 | Primary School of Social Studies Curri |
29 | PED271 | Primary School Phe Curriculum & Met |
30 | SED211 | Assessment and Evaluation In Integr |
31 | SED221 | Biology For Integrated Science |
32 | SED223 | Physics For Integrated Science |
33 | SED225 | Nigerian Integrated Science Curriculum |
34 | SED413 | Science Technology and Society |
35 | AEC308 | Principles of Farm Management |
pls, won’t there be e-exam for CIT 711= COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL ie for PGD IT.
because I did not see it in the 20_1 E-Exam Timetable.
check pop timetable
I did not register for my Gst to be virtual. Will i still have to do virtual or will I be examined at the examination center?