UNILAG Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development (CHSD) Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2020

”Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development (CHSD), University of Lagos (UNILAG), The deadline for submission of applications for UNILAG CHSD Post-Doctoral Fellowship”
This post is to join the Lagos team of the Appropriation of Informal Spaces for Leisure Physical Activity (ALPhA) study funded by the British Academy’s Urban Infrastructures of Well-Being 2019 Programme, under the UK Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund. The project is led by the MRC Epidemiology unit, University of Cambridge, UK with collaborating partners in Lagos, Nigeria (Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development, University of Lagos) and Yaoundé, Cameroon (University of Yaoundé).
The Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development (www.chsunilag.com) is a research centre dedicated to training, research and advocacy around broad issues of urban sustainability. It is the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence for Urbanisation and Habitable Cities. The focus of research within the centre is encapsulated around eight thematic clusters ranging from housing, urbanisation dynamics, infrastructure, health, pro-poor development, spatial data infrastructure to construction skill development and land management.
The built environment is a critical determinant of physical activity (PA), a risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and premature mortality. But due to unmet need for PA infrastructure, public spaces in African cities are increasingly appropriated for leisure physical activity (LPA) under hazardous conditions.
The overall aim of the ALPhA study is to apply participatory approaches to investigate public space LPA to re-imagine urban space for healthy, safe LPA in Lagos and Yaoundé. The study will explore patterns and experiences of appropriated public space LPA, and health risk exposures in order to inform urban infrastructure investments that support safe, equitable physical activity and population wellbeing.
The incumbent will be based at the Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development, University of Lagos but would be expected to liaise with researchers and coordinators working in Yaoundé and Cambridge.
UNILAG CHSD Post-Doctoral Fellowship Benefits.
The value of the Fellowship is =N= 3,125,980.00 – =N= 4, 307,290.00) per year for an initial 6 month term, which will be extended based on satisfactory performance. The fellowship does not include relocation costs or fringe benefits.
The incumbent will be provided with a desk and appropriate access rights to use the research facilities of the Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development, University of Lagos.
Eligibility & Responsibilities
- Doctoral degree in urban studies, public health, urban health, or related fields
- Experience in engaging with policy/ civil society stakeholders
- Experience of conducting literature reviews
- Experience in planning, implementing and managing research projects
- Expertise in qualitative research methods including focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and policy analysis
- Experience of conducting community-based research involving field-based data collection
- Proven skills in working independently to solve research-related problems
- Strong skills and experience in working collaboratively as a member of a team
- Evidence of meeting deadlines and delivering timely results
- Highly motivated, flexible and adaptable, and capable of taking independent decisions
- Well organised, self-motivated, and proactive, including the ability to plan ahead in order to meet future objectives
- Academic publication and presentation record commensurate with stage of academic career.
- Fluency in written and spoken English
- Ability to work flexible hours as required for the study
- Experience with participatory research / citizen science methodology
- Experience with spatial analysis methods and tools
- Experience of working with collaborators in other disciplines on multi-disciplinary projects and the synthesis of different types of evidence
- Experience of research translation and /or knowledge exchange with policy makers and practitioners
- Conduct mixed methods literature review in the area of physical activity and public space research.
- Development and completion of study documents
- Preparation and maintenance of study documents for ethics committee, funders and investigators
- Supervision of research assistants
- Assist Principal and co-investigators with preparation of reports including progress and financial reporting
- Plan, direct and manage activities as part of the study objectives including coordination of participant recruitment, obtaining informed consent, stakeholder mapping, quantitative and qualitative (focus group discussion, in-depth interviews) data collection and analyses, being accountable to the lead investigators.
- Work collaboratively with ALPhA study partners in Cambridge, UK and Yaoundé, Cameroon, providing scientific support and expertise as required to deliver high quality research
- Coordinate data management across different databases
- Monitoring progress of the research studies to ensure compliance with project protocol and timelines
- Attend virtual and in-person study meetings and training
- Ensure the research is carried in accordance with good practice and in compliance with local polices and legal and ethical requirements.
- Disseminate research through contribution to drafting of multi-authored papers and reports
- Contribute to knowledge exchange and public engagement activities, communicating research and findings to policy makers, practitioners and members of the public and understanding their perspectives.
- The post-holder will be expected to have the skills and understanding to be able to act independently in solving problems, many of which may require novel approaches.
How to Apply
- Complete the application form at: https://forms.gle/FVGduPNrQAwdp58cA
- Submit via email the underlisted documents to the University’s Research and Innovation Office at researchinnovation@unilag.edu.ng
- A-page letter of motivation stating areas of expertise, research interests and experience. Include in this letter the distinct offerings you will bring to the position.
- One page condensed CV
- Full Curriculum Vitae (CV) including names, email addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 referees
Any application which does not comply with the above requirements will be regarded as incomplete. Late applications will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.
Informal inquiries to Dr Taibat Lawanson at tlawanson@unilag.edu.ng; +234 (0)802 351 9666
Closing date: 24 Jan 2020 at 5pm
The starting date is 1st March 2020
- KPMG Nigeria Undergraduate Internship Program 2020