NOUN Guidelines for the Conduct of 2020_1 Semester Exam
The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) guidelines for the conduct of 2020_1 Examination – POP and e-Exams.
Please recall guidelines for the conduct of examinations as approved by Senate. Without prejudice to all the provisions therein the guidelines, kindly note and implement the guidelines 1-12 in what follows for the 2020_1 Examinations.
- NOUN Examination e-Clearance For 2020_1 POP and e-Exams
- Download NOUN E-Exam TimeTable ā First Draft 2020_1 Semester
- Download NOUN POP Exam TimeTable ā First Draft 2020_1 Semester
1. Management has directed that the 30 minutes grace period previously allowed for candidates who arrive late for exams be withdrawn. Candidates must now arrive the exams hall 30 minutes to the scheduled time for the paper; i.e. 7:30am for 8:00am, 11:00am for 11:30am and 2:00pm for 2:30pm sessions respectively. The ETT has been adjusted accordingly.
2. We are constrained to restrict visiting students to military and paramilitary officers on duty providing security to Nigerians. Also, due to COVID-19 pandemic, medical personnel on duty or on outpost humanitarian mission could be accommodated at all our Study Centres. They must however show evidence that they are officially on such missions.
3. In implementing 2 above, there should be no abuses. In order to control abuses, mega Study Centres (5,000 students and above) are allowed a maximum of 50 additions for POP and e-Exams; those below that number are allowed not more than 10 additions. Community Study Centres are not allowed to add any candidate as visiting students. However, Community Study Centres that could prove there is an ongoing communal crisis necessitating some candidates to “take exams at their Centres may be considered.
4. All visiting candidates must be cleared by their original Study Centres. The e-clearance form is evidence that they are qualified to sit for the exams.
5. Only data received from DMIS is legitimate. Any student not on the list of the Centre as released by DMIS is not from that Centre and should be turned back to their original study Centres. This means that all Study Centres will inform their students of these guidelines well ahead of the commencement of 2020_1 examination. There is nothing like portal reversal or wrong Study Centre listing of students.
6. Host Study Centre Directors for marking of scripts of 2020_1: Abuja, Enugu, Kaduna and Uyo; are expected to reject all scripts not captured in the SSS system. Subject Officers and Marking Coordinators may not allocate scripts not captured on the SSS to markers.
7. Candidates caught cheating during examination sessions are to be presented with a letter inviting them to Study Centre Examination Misconduct Committee Meeting immediately. The Centre Misconduct Committee must be chaired by the Study Centre Director who conducted the exams. The report of the Study Centre Misconduct Committee should accompany the answer booklet(s) of the candidate for the exam in question. Also, all other necessary documentations to proof the case against the students, should be attached to the report and forwarded to DEA not later than 3 days after e-exam has completed. The decision of Central Examinations Misconduct Committee is that scripts for candidates caught cheating in exams should not be forwarded to marking Centres for marking. Rather, they should accompany the report of Misconduct Committee of the Study Centre to DEA.
8. Hand sanitizers should be provided at the entrance to the compound where exams are to take place. All staff, visitors and students should be made to observe NCDC guidelines as a condition for gaining access to venues where examinations will take place.
9. Nursing mothers may be allowed to take exams in such a way that their children do not disturb other candidates. The discretion of Study Centre Directors should be exercised in this regard. 10. All staff who are candidates for 2020_1 exams are not allowed to participate in the preparation, meetings and conduct of examinations for which they are candidates.
11. Where a Study Centre Director may not be available to conduct exams in person, such a Director should indicate in writing to DLSS. Management will appoint an examiner for the Centre for the conduct of 2020_1 examinations. This means that only the person so appointed shall conduct the entire exams and submit scripts in person to the marking venue.
12. The Super-users are hereby directed to ensure strict compliance with rules on the use of SSS and addition of visiting students. They shall be held responsible for all breaches in that regard. Manipulation of any exam server will not be tolerated. Offenders will be reported to the University Management for disciplinary action. r Colleagues, these rules are to protect the integrity of the examinations d to ensure prompt release of results to students. We are grateful to the Centres that did very well during 2019_2 exercise. Many Centres strictly observed all the guidelines. Consequently, their students received their results promptly. We hope all Centres will follow suit in 2020_1 exercise.