Notice To NOUN Students That Registered GST302 (Business Creation and Growth)

”National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) GST302 Business Plan Writing & Goal, Submission and Uploading Deadlines for 2020_1 Semester”
This is to inform all National Open University Of Nigeria(NOUN) Students that registered for GST302 (Busines Creation and Growth) in 2020_1 semester.
The Students are expected to come up with the enterprises idea in line with any of the (2) two underlisted Sustainable Development Goals.
Goal I
End Hunger, Achieve food security and improved Nutrition & promote sustainable Agriculture.
Goal II
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
NOTE: These two SDGs will be the focus of their enterprise idea presentation and there will be strict adherence to the specific goal II and 8SDG products/services
Schedule Date:
Upload date: 1″ April – 30 April, 2020
Presentation date: 4″ May – 3rd June,2020 (Oral defence both physically & virtually).
Signed Management
- GST302 Online Facilitation, How to Login and Submit Business Plan
- GST302 Business Plan Template
- Assessment Of GST302 – Business Plan

Is the above SDG’s for ilorin study centre