Internal Memo:- Adjustment in 2019 Academic Calendar

I write to inform you that due to the change in the dates of the Presidential and National Assembly Elections earlier scheduled for Saturday, 16th February, 2019 and now fixed for Saturday, 23rd February, 2019, the Orientation and Matriculation Programmes for newly admitted students earlier scheduled for Saturday, 23rd February, 2019 and Saturday, 9th March, 2019 respectively, on the 2019 Academic Calendar, are hereby amended as follows:
Friday, 1st March, 2019 Orientation Ceremony
Saturday, 2nd
The above amendment is for due compliance and further necessary action, please.
NOUN Academic Calendar For 2019 Session
When is graduating list coming out??
please sir,
my brother got admission but yet to do registration. He is sick now and in the clinic. due to this we are unasble to do the registration since he has not gone for interview and collected no to pay to. please is there any way can do the interview as soon as he is discharge from clinic. will there be any extension of registration. can we take the certificate and other document to your office in ph to do registration for him?
i am a new student, i applied for PGD what will happen if the portal closes without someone registering his/her courses??? But has paid the fees…
Please what time is the orientation starting tomorrow?