Maiduguri Study Centre Rescheduled POP Exam

You may recall that NOUN Management had during an emergency meeting held on the 27th July 2018 directed that, in view of the unfortunate incident that occurred on the 26th July 2018, the 2018 (1) POP examination be rescheduled and be rewritten.
Furthermore, because of the security issues affecting the centre, the Vice Chancellor has directed that the rescheduled examination be held electronically through the e-examination platform from 3rd to 15th September 2018.
To ensure that the affected students’ results are not delayed, he directed that the rescheduled examination results be processed and released to such students before the close of 2018(2) registration.
Consequently, all students are expected to begin to adequately prepare for the rescheduled examinations.
Please be kind enough to share this information with all those who wrote their 2018(1) POP examination in Maiduguri Study Centre.
Good luck and best wishes.
Signed. Dr. Mohammed Yahaya Director, Maiduguri Study Centre