Download 3rd Draft 2018 E-Exam Timetable

The National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) has released 2018 Feb/March 2017_2 e-Exam timetable. According to the timetable, e-Exam will start on 23/2/2018 and end on 17/3/2018
All students taking e-Exam are advice to observe and comment should be forwarded to appropriate unit on or before the close of work on Monday 20th February 2018.
Thanks DEA
Kindly click the below link to download 2018 e-exam timetable
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”DOWNLOAD” ]
Pol 204 and ENT 202 TMA are not available should drop the courses
Yes. .
pul 241 human rights law is not in 3rd draft timetable or will they be a 4th draft
am not seen pul241 in 3rd draft timetable or will they be a 4th draft
Pls nounites….. When is gst301???
css 231 is not the timetable too
Have you checked final draft?