GST302 Business Plan Template

GST302 Business Plan Template

GST302 Business Plan Template for NOUN students – GST302 Business Creation and Growth

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) offers a course called GST302 Business Creation and Growth. This course is designed to help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to create and grow a successful business.


As part of the course, students are required to write a business plan. The NOUN Student Template for Business Plan provides a structured framework for students to follow when writing their business plans.

RECOMMENDED:- GST302 Online Facilitation, How to Login and Submit Business Plan

The template includes sections on the following topics:

The Business Ideas proposal writing MUST BE in PowerPoint template, It must be no more than 7 slides

SlideContent of each slide
1. Cover PageFull names, matriculation number, title of the business, study
centre, academic programme, phone number, email address
Clear ID Card or Picture, Incubation Centre
2. Problem definitionClearly defined societal problem(s) the business idea target solves
in respond to identified challenges of Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)
3. Innovativeness of the
proposed solution
State the extent to which the solution is new or is a significant
improvement on an existing solution.
4. Feasibility of the
proposed solution
The extent to which the proposed solution is achievable in light of
the (i) Project’s technical aspects and Timetables, (ii) Team and Collaborations
5. SWOT Analysis &
Describe your company’s competitive edge and vulnerability or
weakness, State your opportunities and strategy for resolving anticipated
6. Financial Analysisi. List your fixed cost and working capital items and their
prices, ii. Give an average monthly estimate of the output your
product/services), iii. List the prices of required items, fixed and working capital, iv. State your expected income, profit, and gross margin per
7. Potential Impact and SustainabilityState the extent to which the solution will impact positively on the
identified challenges and sustainability strategies

The template is a valuable resource for students who are writing their business plans. It provides a clear and concise way to organize their thoughts and ideas.

Do you need help with a business plan? At EDUSPORTAL.COM we have a TEAM OF EXPERTS and we have excellent experience in writing students’ business plans.  We have served hundreds of students as we have extraordinary writing skills.

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SECTION A: Student Personal Details

Date:   ____________________________________________________________

Semester:      ______________________________________________________

Name:   ______________________________________________________

Matric. No.     ______________________________________________________

email Address:  _________________________________________________

Phone Number:   ________________________________________________

Sex:    ____________________________________________________________

Disability: Blind, deaf, etc __________________________________________

Current Profession:   ____________________________________________

Programme of Study:  ____________________________________________

Department:  _______________________________________________________

Faculty:   _______________________________________________________

Study Centre:  __________________________________________________

Zone:  _____________________________________________________________


1.0.  Executive Summary

1.1. Briefly explain the gap the product or service want to fill

1.2. State the objective

1.3. Present the vision (where you want to be or what you want to achieve. This sells your idea and presents your image) and mission (brief on how you will achieve the vision)

1.4.  Success Indicators – explain the product/service with focus on the sellable parts and how it will bring positive change in human life. (the executive summary is the last to be written but first to appear in a business plan.  It should be about 200 words).

2.0 Description of the Organisation/Company

2.1 Company Ownership (Describe how the idea of the product and company was generated, and legal ownership)

2.2 Start-up plan (For new business) or company history (for existing company)

2.3 Location of the company and facilities

2.4  Organisational Structure

3.0  The Product/Service

3.1  Description of the produce/service

3.2 Product/service uniqueness (how is the product different from other competitive product.

3.3 Give empirical trend of sales if the product is already in the market and if not yet in the market show how you intend to send it to market.

3.4  How would the product fit into the changing technology?

3.5 What is the future of the product/service

4.0 Market Analysis

4.1  Market segmentation (dividing your market of potential customers into groups such as demographic segmentation e.g. sex, age, specific workforce; geographical segmentation; psychological segmentation; behavioural segmentation etc.

4.2 Strategy for target market segmentation

4.2.1 Consumers’ need

4.2.2 Market trends

4.2.3  Market growth

4.3 Analysis of the industry

4.3.1  Do a SWORT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) Analysis. In the strength state all that is within the organisation that will help the product/service to grow, the weakness identify those things that are internal that may inhibit the growth of the business, opportunity is the external support that will help the business to grow, and the threat are external hindrances that may inhibit the growth of the product/service e.g. competitors. 

4.3.2 For Strength and opportunities, consider the hindrance to exploiting it, strategies for exploiting and enhancing it, and possible timelines.

4.3.3 For weakness and threat, consider the effect on achieving the set objectives or goal, strategies to minimise or eliminate such weakness or threat, and possible timelines.

4.4 Strategy for e-marking and technological challenges Strategies for exploiting and enhancing it

5.0 Financial Analysis

5.1 Important Assumptions

5.2 Financial Indicators

5.2.1 Pricing

5.2.2 Proforma (forecasts and projection)

5.2.3  Proforma cash flow and cash flow projection

5.2.4  Proforma profit and loss

5.2.5  Fixed Cost

5.2.6 Goss Profit

5.2.7 Net Profit

5.2.8  Direct Cost

5.2.9 Indirect Cost/Overhead Cost

5.2.10 Unit Cost

5.3 Break-even Analysis

SECTION C : Presentation Strategy

  1. Know your audience
  2. Prepare to win the audience
  3. Pay attention to details:
    • Explain the existing gap.
    • Introduce the Company
    • The Objective
    • The Product/Service
    • Success Indicators of the Product
    • Market analysis
    • Financial Plan

(Note:  You may not include a financial plan but is a must when you are presenting for sponsorship and grant).

  1. Your slides should not be too wordy. Use more of illustrations
  2. Speak to your PowerPoint. Do not read
  3. Demonstrate


This post is authored by Gbenga, an experienced writer in the education sector, specializing in topics related to scholarships, grants, and travel guides. With a passion for empowering and guiding others, Gbenga has honed his skills as a writer to provide valuable insights and information in these specific niches.

One Comment

  1. I really focus on my businbusiness since I understand business plan is the best way of amplifying person life, therefore am advising all my fellow students that they should also focus on it.

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