Design And Implementation Of Online Clearance System

Design And Implementation Of Online Clearance System

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Key Features:
– No of Pages: 62
– No of Chapters: 05
Type: Project Topics
Format: Word – Printable
Delivery: Download

Detailed Description


Online clearance system is a research work that will help build an effective information management for schools. It is aimed at developing a system for making clearance after graduation. The designed software will serve as a more reliable and effective means of undertaking students clearance, remove all forms of delay and stress as well as enable you to understand the procedures involved as well as how to do your clearance online. This project work made use of data collected from the University, materials, and journals from various authors and software were developed to effectively achieve the aims of this project. In this project, the implementation of the computer-based system was carried out using PHP, JAVASCRIPT, CSS, APACHE, and MYSQL for the database. In conclusion, the work met all the objectives intended. It is, however, recommended for use by all tertiary institutions.

Keywords: Implementation, Clearance, Software, Design, Information, Procedure.

Table of Content

Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of content vi

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background of the study
1.3 Statement of the study
1.4 Objectives of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Limitations
1.7 Significance of the study
1.8 Definition of terms

2.1 Role of information technology in the academic system
2.2 Data and information
2.3 Computer-based information systems
2.4 Databases

Description and analysis of the existing system
3.1 General analysis of the existing system
3.2 Method of data collection
3.4 Organisational structure
3.5 Input analysis
3.6 Process Analysis
3.7 Output analysis
3.8 Information flow diagram
3.9 Problems of the existing system
3.10 Justification of the new system

4.1 Design standards
4.2 Output specification
4.3 Input specification and design
4.4 File design
4.5 Procedure chart
4.6 System flowcharts
4.7 System specification
4.8 Program flowcharts

5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation

Appendix A Welcome page
Appendix B Homepage
Appendix C Input forms
Appendix D Output forms
Appendix E Codes


Clearance is a status granted individuals, typically members of the military, university graduates and employees of governments and their contractors, allowing them access to classified information, i.e. state secrets. The term “clearance” is also sometimes used in private organizations that have a formal process to vet employees for access to sensitive information. A clearance by itself is normally not sufficient to gain access; the organization must determine that the cleared individual has a “need to know” the information. No one is supposed to be granted access to classified information solely because of rank or position, but once a clearance is obtained, access to certain information or gain of freedom will be granted.
As many universities have choosing to pursue the dynamic educational options available online. The advantages of e-learning are many. As people of all ages and backgrounds become increasingly reliant on the internet for information, online learning becomes more convenient and efficient here the need for an online clearance system. The skills needed to access and comprehend information online are becoming commonplace, and the flexibility of wireless computing means that any coffee shop, airport or bedroom can become a classroom. Online courses, registrations, clearance have few, if any scheduling restrictions, well-integrated learning resources, and competitive degree options, with an online clearance system.
The changing online college landscape now includes online clearance system, traditional undergraduate and general studies programs. However, career learning is still the most popular online training option.

Design And Implementation Of Online Clearance System

Price: ₦6000 [maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”BUY NOW!” ] 

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